Who can she talk to? Pregnancy support

Who can she talk to?  Who will be calm and supportive?  Who has sound advice?  Who will be confidential?  Birthright volunteers are the answer for our guests.

Recently, we had the mother of a pregnant 16 year old come in. Her daughter was six months pregnant and in the hospital in danger of losing the baby. She had just been told from the school that her daughter had gone to the hospital. She was very stressed and visited with us for two hours. We were able to talk with her, mostly listen, and she felt much better when she left. We shared resource options with her. She planned to return with her daughter when she is able.

We also had a gal visit, pregnant with her second child.  She was searching for a job and concerned about enrolling her preschooler in a daycare/school program.  She was able to find some decent maternity clothes to wear to interviews.  She said that alone really lifted her spirit and gave her hope for the future.

Guests often remark that they leave feeling much more calm after visiting Birthright.  When they walk in the stress just falls off and they are so happy to have someone to listen to them.  They find the Birthright house very peaceful, which allows the fog of stress to be lifted and a moment to clearly experience hopefulness and learn about practical steps to better their lives.

Thank you again for your ongoing support of a unique, one-on-one, beautiful service for our community’s moms and babies.