Help! I only ever talk to my toddler!

Are you drowning in talks about fire trucks and cheerios? Have you forgotten what a normal adult conversation feels like? You are not alone. Just the other day, we had a young single mother walk through our door and was struggling with that exact same problem. She said, “I need

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Getting Through the Hurdles of Teething

Chew on this! Teething is rough. Plain and simple. Every new parent has or will experience the struggle that is teething. When and how baby teeth show up is unique to every baby. Some babies are very sensitive teethers while others pop out tooth-after-tooth with little pain and suffering. Usually,

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Recognizing the Signs of Abuse and Getting Help

If you have asked yourself “How do I know if I am abused? This doesn’t feel right to me. Am I crazy?” you are not alone. Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone and is no respecter of persons. Abuse happens to females and males of all ages; Abusers

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